Thursday, February 22, 2007

I have a crush

OK so like I have been telling everyone, the last 2 minutes of Six Feet Under are the best 2 minutes of television I have ever watched. The whole 5 seasons are damn good, but the way it ends is really, really wonderful. I re-watched it like 5 times because I did not want to miss anything. Not to worry, I will not be giving away the ending, I would never think of spoiling that for anyone. The song that plays during those last scenes is amazing too. Through that show I discovered Sia. She is more folkie then I usually like, but her voice and lyrics are truly unique. The video for Breath me is amazing, and I though I would share it with our readers. She is a true original, and she needs to come to Montreal.

The last minutes of Six Feet Under are absolutely tragic and searing. A fitting ending to a sprawling series about every conceivable subject concerning life, and in turn death. Raquel I honour your crush!

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