Tuesday, February 20, 2007

The Queer Tomato has sprouted again and has never been queerer!

My brief stint in Payless rehab is officially over. Oh dear, so much has happened in our very brief absence, Britney has not only become the first mainstream butch trucker but she’s revolutionized common gay lingo. Just the other day while getting my pedicure done I overheard a fellow sister promise his boyfriend he’d call him back after getting ‘Britney’d’ down there. Anna-Nicole is now enjoying mashpotaters in heaven, RIP my dear. It took 21,000$ to get Anderson Cooper out of the closet while others remain stuck deep inside behind the shoe rack and ties. As for me, things could be slightly better, I enjoyed my two week stint visiting Cornell Uni, I’m still working out becoming a lesbian and well while we’re at it I need to get Britney’d soon! (I’m slightly kidding.) If I’d have to write down any more about my life I’d start with me shopping at Wal-Mart today, you get the point so I’ll just go ahead and let Raquelsita re-introduce her sexy self. Raquel, where have you been?

I have been working and that’s about it. As far as these girls are concerned I feel like they lost their mother fucking minds. And I actually feel for them. Women in general have come such a long way, but BritBrit and Anna are perfect examples of what we still are dealing with as women. Weight and beauty above brains and well being. And this crazy need to be with someone anyone no matter how bad they are. Anyway that’s a whole other issue I might tackle another time. Bobettesky so happy you are back I missed you.

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