Monday, February 26, 2007

Dada da da daaaaaaaaaaaaa I’m loving it....

I think I’m insane… No, really. Emotions kids, are a thing of the crazies… If I had to pick my soul-mate, the one who’s supposed to be my equal, the one who completes me, I think I found him Saturday night at McDonald's. It was 12:05 am. He was tall, dark and handsome, had blood on his nose down to his shirt. Oh and on his way out he stopped to ask me if the blood was mine. My love life with him probably would have been in a better state than it is now. Love should be like that Bjork video with the robots fornicating while they’re being assembled from bad GM parts. At least Halitosis is not a thing of the machines. What’s got me all riled up you might ask? Remember the previous post, the one about the importance of facing the truth? The one with the wiser-than-thou and elaborate Hamlet quote? Well of course it was all for a boy, what else? A boy who just last week I assured I was not stalking him for the fun of it, but because deep down I cared! So the following week he spots me in a club mid air making out with someone else. While I tried to assure him we were practicing for the ‘So you think you can dance?’ auditions I don’t think he believed me.
You say Tomato, I say… Fool!
Bobette…. My young and foolish Bobette. You have to stop, you fucking psycho!!! My love your well on your way to becoming a lesbian, with all the lesbian drama it entails. Let it go honey, there is nothing good that can come out of this for you. Move on and get a life!!! Sorry Hun but its time for some tough love.

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