Monday, January 29, 2007

Is this a bad word?

If it was reversed and TR Knight said the “N” word all hell would break loose. Most people are telling our community that we should just drop it… C’mon, what would be said of anyone asking the black community to just drop it, after the Michael Richards rant? Bigotry is bigotry in any color, shape or form. I present to you both videos…. You decide which is more offensive.

I just don't understand the latest trend with the likes of Mel Gibson, Michael Richards, Isaiah Washington and more recently Jane Goody. You may not have heard about Jane Goody, the D-list celebrity who was one of the housemates on the UK's edition of Celebrity Big Brother. After she made several racist remarks about an Indian Bollywood star that was also a cast-mate, a huge controversy erupted. To make a long story short, Goody publicly declared she is about to visit India in order to experience its "healing nature." Sound like a familiar pattern? I must admit I shouldn't be one to speak, last week I made a rude remark to a lady on the street for wearing these awful red polk-a-dot shoes with frills. Realizing I had committed a serious error, we both took a hand in hand stroll to Payless Shoes in order to atone for my sins...

You say tomato, we say... get real.

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