Sunday, January 28, 2007

Tyra Banks weighs more than I do....

Yes, today I’m all about seeing the glass half full! The past few days haven’t gotten me singing and jumping. "Above all things, to thine own self be true" said Hamlet. Ok, I’m a gay man so giving my opinion and advice, unwanted or not, is mandatory. In other words I rarely have trouble expressing who I am to people but I’m rapidly learning being as honest with myself is that much more difficult. Why is it when we have the truth so blindingly clear before us, it takes us that much time to want to catch up to it??

I’m leaving for New York today and hopefully enjoy the change of scenery. My sister and her boyfriend jointly live there and he’s offered for me to come and visit his world so to speak. He’s in medical school and I’ll be attending some classes with him and visiting campus. Not your typical sex in the city episode but I’m very interested in seeing what the experience has to offer. Of course the Julia Roberts in me hopes I’ll clumsily create a mess only to fall face to face to a hot doctor in the making… To be continued.

PS.: Rosie deems it necessary I meet a doctor, she informed me her little flower area has been in pain for some time now: Or at least it’s her valiant attempt to tell me her sex life is so much better than mine. Raquel I’m becoming a lesbian!

Bobette you can’t become a lesbian, trust me you have it easy as a gay man. At least your kind are not all co-dependent nut jobs. I hope I am not being too harsh with the lesbos, I am just more bitter than usual cause I am "p-m-s-sing". Sweetie have fun in "The big Apple"…. Don’t forget to bring me back something fabulous.

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