Thursday, January 25, 2007

Raquel: Pincess of Power?

Bad tripping down memory lane… how old am I!!! It’s kinda scary how close it is to life…. (Just stay with me.) All of us, everyday “battle” something or someone. Our boss, our family, ourselves and for the most part we come out of it stronger and better. I know it’s corny but it’s true. I just had the worst year of my life, but right now for some reason I am seeing things with new eyes. I fought through it, and with the help of my friends I am better and stronger. And ready for more, so bring it on bitches!!! I will just take out my sword… (pun intended!!!)

No kidding this was my favourite cartoon. I might not have known I was gay back then but now the truth is out. I had a huge crush on She-Ra… can you blame me? She’s hot!!!

Tell me about it, 2006 was so last year urgh! I definitely feel I came out of 2006 for the better despite being my own worst enemy. Let’s all quote Irma Thomas together on this and sing: Time is on my siiiiiide!! (Until you’re 62, then Botox is on your side)

P.S.: Why didn’t I get the idea to start yesterday’s blog with the credits for the Sopranos…?

P.S. 2: I hope that sword pun is no metaphor for a strap-on…

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